National BioResource Project of Japan III : DNA resource of Wheat, 2014

Kanako Kawaura, Kazuko Umeda, Yasunari Ogihara*

Kihara Institute for Biological Research, Yokohama City University, Maioka-cho 641-12, Yokohama 244-0813, Japan 

Corresponding Author: Yasunari Ogihara (E-mail:

The third phase of the National BioResource Project of Japan “Wheat” has been started in 2012. We, herein, summarize the activity of the third year of the third phase of NBRP-Wheat.  DNA resource team of “KOMUGI” has continuously collected, maintained and supplied for cDNA clones of common wheat. In total, 55 cDNA libraries were constructed with the RNAs from stressed tissues as well as various normal tissues. At present, (1,252,563) ESTs (expressed sequence tags) were collected from those cDNA libraries, in which 22,519 proof-read full-length cDNA sequences are included. BLAST search of those sequences can be applied from the “KOMUGI” site of National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan. By applying these cDNA sequence data, we constructed the Agilent oligo-DNA microarray harboring 38K gene probes. The wheat oligo DNA microarray is available from the Agilent Technologies Co. Ltd.

Additionally, TAC library of Chinese Spring wheat and cosmid library of goat grass (Aegilops tauschii KU2094) have been screened in response to the request. 

In 2014 seasonal activity, 27 clones requested from four institutions inside of Japan were supplied after DNA sequence check. 

The work was supported by the National BioResource Project-Wheat from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.