
Strain information
Strain ID MT1246
Strain Name tbx6(del7)
Strain Type Mutants
Characteristics A 7 bp was deleted in exon 2 of tbx6 gene by the TALEN genome editing system. This mutation is expected to introduce frame-shift mutation, resulting in truncation of the C-terminus of the tbx6 protein, including the T-box domain. The somite boundaries of homozygous mutant are not clearly observed during somitogenesis. The tbx6 mutants of zebrafish were identified as fused somites (fss).
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Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT should make a prior contact with Keiji Inohaya (kinohaya@bio.titech.ac.jp), and arrange for collaborative research or offer conditions with a written form of consent. Then, the RECIPIENT shall make a request for this strain to NBRP Medaka at NIBB.
Category Mutants created by genome editing
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Tokyo Institute of Technology
Order Request

The somite boundaries of homozygous mutant are not clearly observed during somitogenesis. Day-2 embryos (Stage 23). Dorsal views.
Document (PDF) Genotyping protocol_MT1246
