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Last Update 2024-03-15
Allele NameAllele Type
  • All
  • 通常株
  • 分離交配済
  • バランス済
Sequence NameGene NamePhenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype" BalancerRequest
tm232通常株 C30A5.7 unc-86 homozygous viable
tm233通常株 ZK154.4 ZK154.4 homozygous viable
tm234通常株 C54C6.2 ben-1 homozygous viable. Dr. Z. Zhou: no persistent cell corpses.
tm235通常株 ZK783.4 flt-1 homozygous viable. Dr. R. Horvitz: does not suppress synMuv phenotype.
tm236通常株 C24A8.3 pqn-15 homozygous viable
tm237通常株 C17H12.9 ceh-48 homozygous viable. Dr. D. Portman: male tail appears grossly normal.
tm238通常株 C36F7.1 irx-1 homozygous viable; Dr. H. Sawa: 0% Psa (n=98); Dr. J-L. Bessereau: deletion is within an intron and does not affect gene expression. Dr. D. Portman: male tail appears grossly normal. Dr. D.M. Miller: no gross phenotype is found unlike tm3354.
tm239通常株 C33D12.1 ceh-31 homozygous viable. Dr. J.K. Liu: no defects in the M lineage. Dr. R. Waterston: Dead eggs <10%.
tm240通常株 F42G2.6 F42G2.6 homozygous viable
tm241通常株 C18B12.3 dsc-1 homozygous viable. Dr. S. Hekimi: Development in press.
tm242通常株 T13C5.4 ceh-54 homozygous viable. Egl?
tm243バランス済 B0464.5a spk-1 Sterile, balanced with eT1 eT1
tm244通常株 C10G8.7 ceh-33 homozygous viable. Dr. K.L. Chow: No observable defect in males, all animals have wild-type movement and morphology.Dr. R. Waterston: Dead eggs=0/200.
tm245バランス済 W05E10.3 ceh-32 lethal or sterile. Dr. A. Chisholm, Dr. E. Lundquist: L1 lethal. eT1
tm246バランス済 C44C1.4a vps-45 maternal effect larval lethal. Dr. G. Hermann: WT gut granules.Dr. S. L'Hernault: could not recover.Dr. S. Mitani: EMBOR 8, 152 (2007). dpy-3 (e27) X
tm248通常株 F45C12.15 F45C12.15 homozygous viable
tm249通常株 ZC64.4 lim-4 homozygous viable
tm250通常株 D1007.1 ceh-17 homozygous viable
tm251通常株 C37E2.4 ceh-36 Lethal or sterile. Dr. O. Hobert: no defect in ASE development. Dr. T. Buerglin: complicated rearrangement.
tm252通常株 C39E6.4 mls-2 homozygous viable. Dr. J. Liu: Development 132, 4119-4130 (2005). Dr. P. Sengupta: devective development of chemosensory neurons.
tm253バランス済 C37E2.5 ceh-37 lethal or sterile. Dr. J. Karlseder: normal telomere length regulation. unc-3 (e151) X
tm254通常株 C37E2.5 ceh-37 homozygous viable. Dr. J. Karlseder: normal telomere length regulation.
tm256通常株 F22A3.5 ceh-60 homozygous viable
tm257通常株 C25B8.1 kqt-1 homozygous viable
tm258バランス済 K12H4.1 pros-1 lethal or sterile. Dr. M. Barr: male mating behavior normal, pkd-2::gfp expression normal. hT2
tm259バランス済 ZK1193.5 dve-1 lethal or sterile?. Dr. P. Sengputa: normal dye filling. Dr. W.B. Derry: non-Mendelian inheritance. Deletion is unstable extrachromosomal? Dr. C. Yang: normal cell death phenotype. tmIs1224
tm260通常株 R07B1.1 vab-15 lethal or sterile. Dr. O. Hobert: affects deveopment of postdeirid neurons.
tm261通常株 T26C11.6 ceh-21 homozygous viable. Dr. J. Kaplan: non-Egl, non-Unc.
tm262通常株 F22A3.5 ceh-60 lethal or sterile.
tm263通常株 C30A5.7 unc-86 homozygous viable
tm264通常株 R04A9.5a R04A9.5a homozygous viable
tm265通常株 T26C11.7 ceh-39 homozygous viable. Dr. D. Portman: male tail is morphologically wile-type.
tm266通常株 T26C11.6 ceh-21 homozygous viable
tm267通常株 C33D12.7 ceh-30 homozygous viable
tm268通常株 C40H5.5 ttx-3 homozygous viable. Dr. Y. Ohshima (J. Exp. Biol. 206, 2581- 2593, 2003)
tm269通常株 W03A5.1 W03A5.1 homozygous viable
tm270通常株 C27A12.5 ceh-2 homozygous viable
tm271通常株 C34C6.8 ceh-7 homozygous viable
tm272通常株 C33D12.7 ceh-30 homozygous viable. Dr. P. Sengupta: normal development of AWA neurons.
tm273通常株 C49C3.5 C49C3.5 lethal or sterile
tm275通常株 C17C3.10 hlh-27 lethal or sterile. Dr. R. Lin: normal cell division during 8-30 cell stage. Dr. P. Sengupta normal dye-filling into sensory neurons (heterozygote). Dr. J. Priess: Dev. Cell 8, 867-879 (2005). Dr. M. Maduro: normal early development (8-30 cell stage).
tm276通常株 C18A3.8 hlh-14 homozygous viable. Dr. G. Garriga: missing PHB neurons.
tm277通常株 F38C2.2 hlh-17 homozygous viable. Dr. S. Shaham: no defects in CEP sheath cells or associated neurons. Dr. C.M. Johnson: normal egg-laying and chemoatraction to lysine and Na ion.
tm278通常株 F40H6.4 tbx-11 homozygous viable. Dr. R. Lin: Dev. Biol. 276, 493-507 (2004).
tm279通常株 F38C2.2 hlh-17 homozygous viable. Dr. S. Shaham: no defects in CEP sheath cells or associated neurons. Dr. C.M. Johnson: normal egg-laying and chemoatraction to lysine and Na ion.
tm280通常株 C44C10.8 hnd-1 homozygous viable. Dr. L. Mathies: ~30% embryonic and early larval lethal with body morphogenesis defects, ~50% of surviving adults have gonadogenesis defects. Phenotype is similar to q740. Dr. O. Hobert: ASE & AIY fate markers normal.
tm281通常株 ZK682.4 hlh-10 homozygous viable
tm282バランス済 F21H11.3 tbx-2 lethal or sterile. Dr. P. Okkema: L1 arrest with pharyngeal defects, recessive. eT1,dpy-17 (e164) III
tm284通常株 F31A3.4 hlh-29 homozygous viable. Dr. R. Lin, Dr. M. Maduro: normal cell division during 8-30 cell stage. Dr. P. Sengupta: normal dye-filling into sensory neurons. Dr. J. Priess: Dev. Cell 8, 867-879 (2005). Dr. O. Hobert: ASE & AIY fate markers normal. Dr. C.M. Johnson: BBA 1769, 5 (2007).
tm287通常株 C17C3.8 hlh-26 homozygous viable. Dr. P. Sengupta: normal dye-filling into sensory neurons.
Allele Name
Allele Type
Sequence Name
Gene Name
Worm BaseAllele Name
Gene Name
Phenotype Information from the receiver is posted in the form of a "researcher : phenotype"
Mutation site Please see gene structure to locate the deletion in relation to exon(s)
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